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What does that mean, a well deserved spanking? Does this conflict with what you wrote in your article concerning not needing discipline? Noone doesn’t say what the reason was for the spanking. (perhaps Noone will share with us some of the reasons why he punishes his wife) From my reading of this article Noone is plainly disciplining his wife for some specific reason.

So my question is, how do you reconcile this aparent contradiction. In what way is this different from DD or is it expressly Taken In Hand?

I admit it may be just me. I may not be understanding the distinction you are making here. Perhaps there is no contradiction, but it would help me if you might clarify this point.

On another matter, I would like to take issue with your claim that spanking or being made to stand in the corner is "infantilizing". If it is the way the man in charge decides to enforce his authority then you will have little to say about it. It is indeed humbling and perhaps embarrassing, but infantilizing? In fact my wife claims the opposite, expressing my control in this way makes her feel more in touch with being a feminine woman.

I am amused by your rejection of these forms of control only because this decision will most likely be out of your control. It may be dear Sarah, that your own man will decide to implement these very same measures. If he is in charge of you the way I am in charge of my wife and Noone is in charge of his wife - what then?

by Stephen on 2004 Dec 20 - 19:48 | reply to this comment
What Then?
Then she will have every right to withdraw her consent, Stephen. No woman should give over control and carte blanche.."do with me as you see fit" if she knows damn well she hates the idea of being spanked and would find it infantilizing to be stuck in a corner like a naughty baby.

DD as well as Taken in Hand contains dangerous elements of disenfranchisement for women. I'd be very cautious of giving up control, thinking a man understands my parameters, only to be later met with a unilateral declaration of, "I'm going to spank you, like it or not, because this is how I deem it proper to control you."

My response would be, talk to my lawyer..and to the judge.

You see, when you make these one-sided and lordly proclamations you damage the trust a woman might otherwise place in you. Then again, if she is truly smart, she will seek a man who views her as an equal, and a grownup.